Upload your AI!Submitting your AI means that your AI will be included in competitions. It also means that your AI could be eligible for general distribution with Jaige. Competitions will generally be run within a day of a new submission. Competitions may be run daily in the future, especially if learning AIs are entered into the competition. Remember that if your AI is chosen to be distributed, the source code must be made available upon request. This is due to the GPL license. They will not be kept on the SVN repository for easy access, but made available with direct requests. This is designed to keep the source for your AI from being used by students who try to pass it off as their own (hypathetically).If your jar or classfile is too big, there may be issues uploading the file. Make sure you compress your jar to prevent this. If this is still a problem after compression, other arrangements can be made to upload the AI. We will work to resolve the filesize issue if this becomes a common problem. |