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· Environment Setup
· Writing an AI
· Javadocs

AI Development

   There are several classes you will need to import from the jaige.games package. These include jaige.games.Version, and jaige.games.event.TurnEvent. All AIs must be a subclass of the AI class. Each game has its own instructions, and may have its own subclass of AI that must be extended. All AIs must have the following methods:

String getAIName()
String getAuthor()
String getInfo()
Version getVersion()
void processTurnEvent(TurnEvent event)

Where to put your AI:
   The simplest way to get your AI working is to place your class files in the plugins directory inside the Jaige installation directory. It is better to put you classfiles into a jar file. Directions on how to do this is located here. You can also use an IDE to do this (Eclipse requires the fatjar plugin). You may be able to use winzip, and name the output file with the .jar extension, although there are no promises that it will work.

Game Development: