JBuilder Setup
These directions are for setting up the development environment for Jaige using JBuilder.
- Create a 'New Project' in JBuilder. (File -> New Project).
- Choose a project name and press Next.
- Make sure your JDK is version 1.5* or higher.
- In the 'Required Libraries' tab, click the 'Add' button.
- In the 'Libraries' tab, click the new button if Jaige is not listed.
- Set the name to Jaige
- Click the 'Add' button.
- Browse to the location of th Jaige libraries. In Windows, the default location is C:\Program Files\Jaige\. In Linux and OSX, check ~/Jaige if you installed it as a user, or /usr/local/Jaige if it was installed as a superuser.
- Select the jarfile you will be writing an AI for. You can select all jarfiles to set up your environment for all games. Hex.jar and Ataxx.jar are currently the only available libraries.
- Click OK until you are back to the project wizard.
- Click Finish, or continue personalizing your project by pressing Next.
- Once in the environment, select Project -> Project Properties.
- Go to the Build -> Java in the tree on the left.
- Make sure Language Features and Target VM both say Java SDK v 5.0* or later.
- Start Developing your AI
*Java 1.5 is the same as 5.0. Likewise for 1.6 and 6, etc.