Class HexAI

  extended by jaige.Player
      extended by jaige.AI
          extended by jaige.games.hex.ai.HexAI
All Implemented Interfaces:
GameListener, TurnListener

public abstract class HexAI
extends AI

This class is an instance of the AI class. It adds the ability of the Hex game to give the board configuration to the AI. The cells that are passed into this AI are not modifiable. The color of the empty cells can be changed for debuging purposees, but please remember to remove any color changing code from your final release.

Copyright: Copyright (c) Jaige 2007

Rob Taft

Field Summary
protected  Cell[][] cells
          These cells are set by the Hex game, and can be read by the AI.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void setCells(Cell[][] cells)
          Sets the cells for this AI to use.
Methods inherited from class jaige.AI
getAIName, getAuthor, getInfo, getVersion, initialize, makeMove, uninitialize
Methods inherited from class jaige.Player
getColor, getName, getOrientation, setColor, setName, setOrientation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface jaige.event.TurnListener

Field Detail


protected Cell[][] cells
These cells are set by the Hex game, and can be read by the AI. Only the color can be changed for debugging purposes. All other attributes of the Cell cannot be set.

Constructor Detail


public HexAI()
Method Detail


public void setCells(Cell[][] cells)
Sets the cells for this AI to use.

cells - the cells for this AI to use.