abort() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
addListener(GameListener) - Static method in class jaige.event.EventManager
addPlayer(Player) - Method in class jaige.Season
addPlayer(Player) - Method in class jaige.Tournament
addPlayers(List<? extends Player>) - Method in class jaige.Season
addPlayers(List<? extends Player>) - Method in class jaige.Tournament
addPreference(PreferencesOption) - Method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesPanel
addPreference(String[], JComponent) - Method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesPanel
addStatistics(Statistic) - Method in class jaige.Match
AI - Class in jaige
This is the base class of all AIs.
AI() - Constructor for class jaige.AI
This is the default constructor that, when called with super(), will set the name from getAIName() to getName() in the Player class.
AIAnalysis - Class in jaige
AIAnalysis(GameBoard) - Constructor for class jaige.AIAnalysis
AIChooser - Class in jaige.gui
AIChooser() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.AIChooser
AIDatabase - Class in jaige
AIDatabase(Class) - Constructor for class jaige.AIDatabase
AIGameStats - Class in jaige
This class keeps track of statistics throughout an AI matchup.
AIGameStats() - Constructor for class jaige.AIGameStats
AIGameStatsPanel - Class in jaige.gui
AIGameStatsPanel() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
AtaxxAI - Class in jaige.games.ataxx.ai
AtaxxAI() - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.ai.AtaxxAI
AtaxxBoard - Class in jaige.games.ataxx
AtaxxBoard() - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
AtaxxGame - Class in jaige.games.ataxx.gui
AtaxxGame() - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxGame
AtaxxPanel - Class in jaige.games.ataxx.gui
AtaxxPanel() - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
AverageMoveTimeMonitor - Class in jaige
AverageMoveTimeMonitor() - Constructor for class jaige.AverageMoveTimeMonitor


bitCount(int) - Static method in class jaige.Tournament
BOARD_SIZE - Static variable in class jaige.games.hex.gui.GameOption


canMove(Cell[][], Player) - Static method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
Cell - Class in jaige
Cell(int, int) - Constructor for class jaige.Cell
CellIcon - Class in jaige.games.ataxx.gui
CellIcon() - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.CellIcon
CellIcon(int) - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.CellIcon
cells - Variable in class jaige.games.ataxx.ai.AtaxxAI
These cells are set by the Hex game, and can be read by the AI.
cells - Variable in class jaige.games.hex.ai.HexAI
These cells are set by the Hex game, and can be read by the AI.
checkForWinner() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
close() - Method in class jaige.util.ExceptionHandler
closeLogFile() - Static method in class jaige.util.LogManager
combinations(Object[], int) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
Returns 'choose' combinations of 'choices' in an Object[][].
combinations(Object[], Object[][]) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
Returns all combinations of the 'choices'.
combinations(int, int) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
Given the total number of choices 'n', and the total number chosen 'r', returns the total number of combinations that can be chosen.
compareTo(Statistic) - Method in class jaige.Statistic
Compares the name of this statistic to the name of the supplied statistic
compareTo(Version) - Method in class jaige.Version


DebugOption - Class in jaige.games.hex.gui
Logs (check to enable) Filename Log Handlers Report Exceptions (check to enable) [disabled for now] Memory Monitor (check to enable) What Key to show/hide (textfield) Keylistener Board Coordinates (check to enable) Empty Cell Colors
DebugOption() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.gui.DebugOption
defaultHeight - Static variable in class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
defaults - Variable in class jaige.util.SortedProperties
A property list that contains default values for any keys not found in this property list.
defaultWidth - Static variable in class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
destroy() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
display(String) - Method in class jaige.gui.MadLibGUI
doLayout() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
doLayout() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel


ENABLE_COLORS - Static variable in class jaige.games.hex.gui.DebugOption
ENABLE_COORDINATES - Static variable in class jaige.games.hex.gui.DebugOption
ENABLE_LOGGING - Static variable in class jaige.util.LogManager
equals(Object) - Method in class jaige.Statistic
EventManager - Class in jaige.event
Title: EventManager
EventType - Enum in jaige.event
ExceptionHandler - Class in jaige.util
ExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class jaige.util.ExceptionHandler
exists() - Method in class jaige.util.Settings


factorial(long) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
Returns the mathmatical factorial of 'n'.
factorial(int) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
Returns the mathmatical factorial of 'n'.
FileReaderPanel - Class in jaige.gui
FileReaderPanel(File) - Constructor for class jaige.gui.FileReaderPanel
FileReaderPanel(URL) - Constructor for class jaige.gui.FileReaderPanel
fireEvent(GameEvent) - Static method in class jaige.event.EventManager
flush() - Method in class jaige.util.ExceptionHandler
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class jaige.VersionFormat
Formats an object and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer.


GameBoard - Class in jaige
GameBoard() - Constructor for class jaige.GameBoard
GameEvent - Class in jaige.event
GameEvent(EventType) - Constructor for class jaige.event.GameEvent
GameListener - Interface in jaige.event
GameOption - Class in jaige.games.hex.gui
GameOption() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.gui.GameOption
gameOver(Player) - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
gameOver(Cell[][]) - Static method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
GameOverEvent - Class in jaige.event
GameOverEvent(Player) - Constructor for class jaige.event.GameOverEvent
GameOverListener - Interface in jaige.event
get(int) - Method in class jaige.event.MoveEvent
get() - Method in class jaige.event.MoveEvent
getAIGameStats() - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
getAIName() - Method in class jaige.AI
Returns the unique name of this AI.
getAllMatches() - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Returns a copy of the list of matches.
getAllVersions(AI) - Method in class jaige.AIDatabase
Returns a list of all AI's that share the same name and author.
getAuthor() - Method in class jaige.AI
Returns the name of the author that created this AI.
getBooleanSetting(String) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
getBuildNumber() - Method in class jaige.Version
Return the buildNumber property for this Version object.
getCell(int, int) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
getCell(Point) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
getCell(int, int) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
getCell(Point) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
getCells() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
getCells() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
getCenter() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
getClassList() - Method in class jaige.util.JarClassLoader
getColor() - Method in class jaige.Cell
getColor() - Method in class jaige.Player
Gets the color of this player.
getDefaultFormatter() - Static method in class jaige.VersionFormat
getDefaultSettings() - Static method in class jaige.util.Settings
getDoubleSetting(String) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
getEventID() - Method in class jaige.event.GameEvent
getEventType() - Method in class jaige.event.GameEvent
getEventTypes(GameListener) - Static method in enum jaige.event.EventType
getGamesPlayed() - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
getHistory() - Method in class jaige.Tournament
getIconHeight() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.CellIcon
Returns the icon's height.
getIconWidth() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.CellIcon
Returns the icon's width.
getInfo() - Method in class jaige.AI
Returns information about this AI that the user might want to see.
getInstance() - Static method in class jaige.AIDatabase
getInstanceOfAll() - Method in class jaige.AIDatabase
getIntSetting(String) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
getLongestWin(List<? extends AI>) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Returns the most number of turns per win for each matchup.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class jaige.Version
Return the majorVersion property for this Version object.
getMatch() - Method in class jaige.event.NewGameEvent
getMatchData() - Method in class jaige.AIGameStats
getMatchData() - Method in class jaige.AverageMoveTimeMonitor
getMatchupStandings(List<? extends AI>) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
The total wins against each player.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class jaige.Version
Return the minorVersion property for this Version object.
getName() - Method in class jaige.Player
Returns the name of this Player.
getName() - Method in class jaige.Statistic
Returns the name of this statistic.
getNeighbors(List<CellList>, int, int) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
getNumberOfGames() - Method in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
getNumberOfGamesPerSize() - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
getOrientation() - Method in class jaige.Player
Gets the orientation of this player.
getOrientations() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
getOrientations() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
getOrientations() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
getPath() - Method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesOption
Returns the path in the tree to get to this option.
getPlayer(String) - Method in class jaige.AIDatabase
Gets the AI with the given name.
getPlayer(Class) - Method in class jaige.AIDatabase
getPlayer() - Method in class jaige.Cell
getPlayer() - Method in class jaige.event.MoveEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class jaige.event.TurnEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.PlayerPanel
Return the ai property for this PlayerPanel object.
getPlayer(int) - Method in class jaige.Match
getPlayerCount() - Method in class jaige.Match
getPlayers() - Method in class jaige.AIDatabase
Returns an array of the available AI's.
getPlayers() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
getPlayers() - Method in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
getPlayers() - Method in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
getPlayers() - Method in class jaige.Match
getPluginClasses(Class<T>) - Static method in class jaige.util.PluginLoader
Searches for classes that extend the base class, and returns them.
getPlugins(Class<T>) - Static method in class jaige.util.PluginLoader
Searches for classes that extend the base class, and attempts to construct an instance of each class found.
getPreferences() - Method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesPanel
getProperty(String) - Method in class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.
getQuickestWin(List<? extends AI>) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Returns the least number of turns per win for each matchup.
getReleaseVersion() - Method in class jaige.Version
Return the releaseVersion property for this Version object.
getResource(String) - Method in class jaige.util.JarClassLoader
getScore(Cell[][], Player) - Static method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
getScore() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.PlayerPanel
Return the score property for this PlayerPanel object.
getSelectedAI() - Method in class jaige.gui.AIChooser
getSetting(String) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
getSettings(SortedProperties) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.DebugOption
getSettings(SortedProperties) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.GameOption
Puts the settings in this PreferencesOption into the passed in Properties.
getSettings() - Method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesOption
Creates a new Properties object and passes than into getSettings(Properties p) and returns the Properties.
getSettings(SortedProperties) - Method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesOption
Puts the settings in this PreferencesOption into the passed in Properties.
getSettings(String) - Static method in class jaige.util.Settings
getSettings() - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
getSizes() - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
getSleepTime() - Method in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
getStage() - Method in class jaige.Version
Return the stage property for this Version object.
getStageVersion() - Method in class jaige.Version
Return the stageVersion property for this Version object.
getStandings(List<? extends AI>) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Returns the total games and total wins per player.
getStatistics() - Method in class jaige.Match
getText() - Method in class jaige.gui.MadLibGUI
getTimestamp() - Method in class jaige.event.GameEvent
getTotalGames() - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
getTotalMoves(List<? extends AI>) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Returns the total moves per win, loss, and overall.
getTotalMoveTime(List<? extends AI>) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Gets the total turn time for each win, loss, and game per player.
getTournementWinner() - Method in class jaige.Tournament
getTurn() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
getTurn() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
getUnit() - Method in class jaige.Statistic
Gets the unit that this statistic is in
getUnmodifiableCell() - Method in class jaige.Cell
getValues() - Method in class jaige.Statistic
Gets the values associated with this statistic
getVersion() - Method in class jaige.AI
This is used to determine the version of the AI playing.
getVersions(AI) - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
getVersionTimeAnalysis(AI) - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
getVersionWinAnalysis(AI) - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
getWinner() - Method in class jaige.event.GameOverEvent
getWinner() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
getWinningPath() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
getX() - Method in class jaige.Cell
getX() - Method in class jaige.event.MoveEvent
getY() - Method in class jaige.Cell
getY() - Method in class jaige.event.MoveEvent


halfHeight() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Get half of the height.
halfWidth() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Get half of the width.
hasSetting(String) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
height() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Get the height.
Hexagon - Class in jaige.games.hex.gui
A hexagon.
Hexagon() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Hexagon(int, int, double) - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Create a new hexagon.
Hexagon(Point, double) - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Create a new hexagon.
HexAI - Class in jaige.games.hex.ai
This class is an instance of the AI class.
HexAI() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.ai.HexAI
HexBoard - Class in jaige.games.hex
HexBoard() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
HexGame - Class in jaige.games.hex.gui
HexGame() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexGame
HexPanel - Class in jaige.games.hex.gui
HexPanel() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
hideProfiler() - Method in class jaige.util.MemoryProfiler
HORIZONTAL_COLOR - Static variable in class jaige.games.hex.gui.GameOption
HTMLStatsGenerator - Class in jaige.statistics
HTMLStatsGenerator() - Constructor for class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator


init() - Static method in class jaige.util.LogManager
initialize() - Method in class jaige.AI
Initializes this AI, this should be used to initialize the AI instead of the constructor.
initialize(Class) - Static method in class jaige.AIDatabase
isGameOver() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
isLegalMove(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
isLegalMove(Cell[][], Player, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
isPlaying() - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Check this to see if any stats are being gathered.


jaige - package jaige
jaige.event - package jaige.event
jaige.games.ataxx - package jaige.games.ataxx
jaige.games.ataxx.ai - package jaige.games.ataxx.ai
jaige.games.ataxx.gui - package jaige.games.ataxx.gui
jaige.games.hex - package jaige.games.hex
jaige.games.hex.ai - package jaige.games.hex.ai
jaige.games.hex.gui - package jaige.games.hex.gui
jaige.gui - package jaige.gui
jaige.statistics - package jaige.statistics
jaige.util - package jaige.util
JarClassLoader - Class in jaige.util
JarClassLoader(File) - Constructor for class jaige.util.JarClassLoader


load(URL) - Method in class jaige.gui.MadLibGUI
load(InputStream) - Method in class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.
loadFooter(File) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
loadHeader(File) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
loadPlugins() - Static method in class jaige.util.PluginLoader
LOG_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class jaige.util.LogManager
LogManager - Class in jaige.util


MadLibGUI - Class in jaige.gui
MadLibGUI() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.MadLibGUI
Main - Class in jaige.games.ataxx
Main() - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.games.ataxx.Main
Main - Class in jaige.games.hex
Main() - Constructor for class jaige.games.hex.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.games.hex.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesPanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.util.JarClassLoader
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
main(String[]) - Static method in class jaige.util.MemoryProfiler
makeMove(int...) - Method in class jaige.AI
Subclasses should call this method to perform their move.
makeMove(Cell[][], Player, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
makeMove(int, int) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
Match - Class in jaige
Match(Player...) - Constructor for class jaige.Match
MathTools - Class in jaige.util
MEMORY_KEY - Static variable in class jaige.games.hex.gui.DebugOption
MEMORY_MONITOR - Static variable in class jaige.games.hex.gui.DebugOption
MemoryFrame - Class in jaige.gui
MemoryFrame() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
MemoryFrame(GraphicsConfiguration) - Constructor for class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
MemoryFrame(String) - Constructor for class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
MemoryFrame(String, GraphicsConfiguration) - Constructor for class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
MemoryProfiler - Class in jaige.util
MemoryProfiler() - Constructor for class jaige.util.MemoryProfiler
MIN_FRAME_HEIGHT - Static variable in class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
MIN_FRAME_WIDTH - Static variable in class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
MoveEvent - Class in jaige.event
MoveEvent(Player, int...) - Constructor for class jaige.event.MoveEvent
MoveListener - Interface in jaige.event


NewAIGamePanel - Class in jaige.gui
NewAIGamePanel() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
NewGameEvent - Class in jaige.event
NewGameEvent(Match) - Constructor for class jaige.event.NewGameEvent
NewGameListener - Interface in jaige.event
NewGamePanel - Class in jaige.gui
NewGamePanel() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
NOT_USED - Static variable in class jaige.Version


openLogFile(String) - Static method in class jaige.util.LogManager
Orientation - Enum in jaige


pack() - Method in class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
paint(Graphics) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
paint(Graphics) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.PlayerPanel
paint(Graphics) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
paint(Graphics) - Method in class jaige.util.MemoryProfiler
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.CellIcon
Draw the icon at the specified location.
paintPlayerPanel(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.ai.AtaxxAI
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class jaige.VersionFormat
Parses text from a string to produce an object.
permutations(ArrayList<T>, int, ArrayList<ArrayList<T>>) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
permutations(int, int) - Static method in class jaige.util.MathTools
Given the total number of choices 'n', and the total number chosen 'r', returns the total number of permutations that can be chosen.
Player - Class in jaige
This class is used to represent a player in the Jaige games.
Player() - Constructor for class jaige.Player
Creates a player with the default name "No name" and the default color of Color.RED.
Player(String, Color) - Constructor for class jaige.Player
Creates a player with the specified name and color.
PLAYER_1 - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
PLAYER_1 - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
PLAYER_2 - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
PLAYER_2 - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
PlayerPanel - Class in jaige.games.ataxx.gui
PlayerPanel() - Constructor for class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.PlayerPanel
players - Variable in class jaige.GameBoard
PluginLoader - Class in jaige.util
PreferenceChangeEvent - Class in jaige.event
PreferenceChangeEvent() - Constructor for class jaige.event.PreferenceChangeEvent
PreferenceChangeListener - Interface in jaige.event
PreferencesOption - Class in jaige.gui
PreferencesOption(String...) - Constructor for class jaige.gui.PreferencesOption
PreferencesPanel - Class in jaige.gui
Title: PreferencesPanel Description: Copyright: Copyright Rob Taft(c) 2005 Company: Java-Freak.us
PreferencesPanel() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.PreferencesPanel
printBoard(Cell[][], Player[], PrintStream) - Static method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
printBoard(PrintStream) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in class jaige.AIGameStats
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in interface jaige.event.GameOverListener
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxGame
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexGame
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
processGameOverEvent(GameOverEvent) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.AIGameStats
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.AverageMoveTimeMonitor
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in interface jaige.event.MoveListener
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxGame
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexGame
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
processMoveEvent(MoveEvent) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Keeps track of the total move time and the move count.
processNewGameEvent(NewGameEvent) - Method in class jaige.AIGameStats
processNewGameEvent(NewGameEvent) - Method in class jaige.AverageMoveTimeMonitor
processNewGameEvent(NewGameEvent) - Method in interface jaige.event.NewGameListener
processNewGameEvent(NewGameEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxGame
processNewGameEvent(NewGameEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
processNewGameEvent(NewGameEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
processNewGameEvent(NewGameEvent) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Prepairs the new match for data collection.
processPreferenceChangeEvent(PreferenceChangeEvent) - Method in interface jaige.event.PreferenceChangeListener
processPreferenceChangeEvent(PreferenceChangeEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
processPreferenceChangeEvent(PreferenceChangeEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
processPreferenceChangeEvent(PreferenceChangeEvent) - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
processTurnEvent(TurnEvent) - Method in class jaige.AIGameStats
processTurnEvent(TurnEvent) - Method in class jaige.AverageMoveTimeMonitor
processTurnEvent(TurnEvent) - Method in interface jaige.event.TurnListener
Called when the turn changes.
processTurnEvent(TurnEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
processTurnEvent(TurnEvent) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
processTurnEvent(TurnEvent) - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Keeps track of the turn as well as the move time.
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class jaige.util.ExceptionHandler


radiusForHeight(int) - Static method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Get the radius for a hexagon with the given height.
radiusForWidth(int) - Static method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Get the radius for a hexagon with the given width.
RAND - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
RAND - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
RANDOM - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
RANDOM - Static variable in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
randomMatchup() - Method in class jaige.Tournament
rankedMatchup() - Method in class jaige.Tournament
removeAllListeners(EventType) - Static method in class jaige.event.EventManager
removeListener(GameListener) - Static method in class jaige.event.EventManager
REPORT_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class jaige.util.LogManager
reportExceptions(boolean) - Static method in class jaige.util.LogManager
reset() - Method in class jaige.AIGameStats
reset() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
reset() - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
reset() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
reset() - Method in class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
Removes all match data stored in this class.
run() - Method in class jaige.event.EventManager
run() - Method in class jaige.util.MemoryProfiler
runAnalysis() - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis


save(OutputStream, String) - Method in class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Deprecated. This method does not throw an IOException if an I/O error occurs while saving the property list. As of the Java 2 platform v1.2, the preferred way to save a properties list is via the store(OutputStream out, String header) method.
saveSettings() - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
scale(double) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Scale this hexagon.
Season - Class in jaige
Season(GameBoard) - Constructor for class jaige.Season
SeasonStats - Class in jaige.statistics
This class keeps track of statistics throughout season The current stats it keeps track of the following for each match:
total moves
total time
Once completed, we can calculate many other statistics based on the data stored here.
SeasonStats() - Constructor for class jaige.statistics.SeasonStats
setAIGameStats(AIGameStats) - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
setBoard(AtaxxBoard) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.AtaxxPanel
setBoard(HexBoard) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.HexPanel
setBoardSize(int...) - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
setBoardSize(int...) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
setBoardSize(int...) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
setCells(Cell[][]) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.ai.AtaxxAI
Sets the cells for this AI to use.
setCells(Cell[][]) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.ai.HexAI
Sets the cells for this AI to use.
setColor(Color) - Method in class jaige.Cell
setColor(Color) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.CellIcon
setColor(Color) - Method in class jaige.Player
Sets the color of this player.
setDefaults(int, int) - Method in class jaige.gui.MemoryFrame
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jaige.gui.AIChooser
setExtension(String) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
setFooter(String) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
setGamesPerRound(int) - Method in class jaige.Tournament
setHeader(String) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
setIndividualGameCount(int) - Method in class jaige.Season
Sets the total number of games that each AI will play each other.
setMaxTieBreakerGames(int) - Method in class jaige.Tournament
setName(String) - Method in class jaige.Player
Sets the name of this player.
setName(String) - Method in class jaige.Statistic
Sets the name of this statistic
setNumberOfGamesPerSize(int) - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class jaige.Player
Sets the orientation of this player.
setOrientations(Orientation...) - Method in class jaige.AIGameStats
setOutputFolder(File) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
setParameters(int, int, double) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
setParameters(Point, double) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class jaige.Cell
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.PlayerPanel
Sets the ai property for this PlayerPanel object to the given parameter.
setPlayers(List<AI>) - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
setPlayers(Player...) - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
setPlayers(Player...) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.AtaxxBoard
setPlayers(Player...) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.HexBoard
setPlayers(Player, Player) - Method in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
setPlayers(Player, Player) - Method in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
setPluginDirctory(String) - Static method in class jaige.util.PluginLoader
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Calls the Hashtable method put.
setScore(int) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.PlayerPanel
Sets the score property for this PlayerPanel object to the given parameter.
setSetting(String, String) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
setSetting(String, int) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
setSetting(String, double) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
setSetting(String, boolean) - Method in class jaige.util.Settings
setSettings(SortedProperties) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.DebugOption
setSettings(SortedProperties) - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.GameOption
Sets this PreferencesOption to match the properties passed in.
setSettings(SortedProperties) - Method in class jaige.gui.PreferencesOption
Sets this PreferencesOption to match the properties passed in.
setSize(int) - Method in class jaige.games.ataxx.gui.CellIcon
setSizeInfo(String) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
setSizes(int[]) - Method in class jaige.AIAnalysis
setText(String) - Method in class jaige.gui.MadLibGUI
Settings - Class in jaige.util
Settings(File) - Constructor for class jaige.util.Settings
Settings(String) - Constructor for class jaige.util.Settings
setTitle(String) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
setTotalGameCount(int) - Method in class jaige.Season
Sets the total number of games that will be played for the season per AI.
setTotalGames(int) - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
setTournament(Tournament) - Method in class jaige.gui.TournamentPanel
setUnit(String) - Method in class jaige.Statistic
Sets the unit that this statistic is in
setValues(Number[]) - Method in class jaige.Statistic
Sets the values associated with this statistic
showProfiler() - Method in class jaige.util.MemoryProfiler
SortedProperties - Class in jaige.util
The SortedProperties class represents a persistent set of SORTED properties.
SortedProperties() - Constructor for class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Creates an empty property list with no default values.
SortedProperties(TreeMap) - Constructor for class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Creates an empty property list with the specified defaults.
start() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
start() - Method in class jaige.gui.MadLibGUI
startAndWaitForWinner() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard
startSeason() - Method in class jaige.Season
startTournament() - Method in class jaige.Tournament
Statistic - Class in jaige
A Statistic is a simple structure used to hold numerical data.
Statistic(String, String, Number[]) - Constructor for class jaige.Statistic
Creates a new Statistic with the specified name, unit, and values.
Statistic(String) - Constructor for class jaige.Statistic
Creates a new Statistic with the specified name.
stop() - Method in class jaige.gui.AIGameStatsPanel
store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class jaige.util.SortedProperties
Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this Properties table to the output stream in a format suitable for loading into a Properties table using the load method.
switchTurns() - Method in class jaige.GameBoard


toString() - Method in class jaige.event.MoveEvent
toString() - Method in class jaige.event.TurnEvent
toString() - Method in class jaige.Version
Tournament - Class in jaige
Tournament(GameBoard) - Constructor for class jaige.Tournament
TournamentPanel - Class in jaige.gui
TournamentPanel() - Constructor for class jaige.gui.TournamentPanel
turn - Variable in class jaige.GameBoard
TurnEvent - Class in jaige.event
TurnEvent(Player) - Constructor for class jaige.event.TurnEvent
TurnListener - Interface in jaige.event


uninitialize() - Method in class jaige.AI
Preforms any cleanup needed on the AI.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jaige.event.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jaige.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jaige.Version.Stage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum jaige.event.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jaige.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jaige.Version.Stage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version - Class in jaige
Version(int, int, int, Version.Stage, int, int) - Constructor for class jaige.Version
Version(int, int) - Constructor for class jaige.Version
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jaige.Version
Version(int, int, int, Version.Stage, int) - Constructor for class jaige.Version
Version(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jaige.Version
Version.Stage - Enum in jaige
VersionFormat - Class in jaige
VersionFormat() - Constructor for class jaige.VersionFormat
VERTICAL_COLOR - Static variable in class jaige.games.hex.gui.GameOption


watchGames() - Method in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
whoIsFirst() - Method in class jaige.gui.NewAIGamePanel
whoIsFirst() - Method in class jaige.gui.NewGamePanel
width() - Method in class jaige.games.hex.gui.Hexagon
Get the width.
winner - Variable in class jaige.GameBoard
writeMatchupStandings(List<AI>, SeasonStats) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
writePlayerDirectoryPage(List<AI>) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
writePlayerPages(List<AI>, SeasonStats, AIAnalysis) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
writeStandings(List<AI>, SeasonStats, boolean) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator
writeTournament(List<AI>, Tournament, SeasonStats) - Method in class jaige.statistics.HTMLStatsGenerator